Backpacks 4 SA Kids

Backpacks 4 SA Kids exists to provide resources that contribute to the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people during periods of dislocation from home and routine care.

Backpacks 4 SA Kids began as a commitment to help young foster children by putting items together for those kids less fortunate. Children though no fault of their own, being put in unwanted situations of having to leave home with no possessions to call their own.

Once their vision captured attention from the community, more friends and families started to collect items for donation. As it grew, Backpacks 4 Kids SA was born. Their continual support and drive gives more to children than just a backpack, but gives hope for a better life to those who have been dealt a rough hand.

An organisation initially supporting over 3,000 South Australian kids every year, has increased to approximately more than 6,000 South Australian kids, thanks to initiatives including:

  • Home Starter Packs
  • Anchor Packs
  • Christmas Gift Drive